Meet the Puppies
Willow and Knox are due to have a litter around the beginning of September. The puppies will be ready to go home around the end of October. My puppies are $2000. Call today to reserve your pup. Deposit is $250.
KitKat and Hudson are due to have a litter around September 11, 2024. The puppies will be ready to go home around the middle of November. Puppies are $2000. Call today to reserve your puppy. Deposit is required. $250
Zane is available for sale as a stud. He was born 2/11/23. He is the son of Aspen and Yogi.
He has a PennHip score of .42/.39 which is top 20%.
OFA eyes and heart clearances,
His OFA preliminary hips are good and elbows are normal. $6000.